Instructions are included in ReadMe.txt if needed.

Developer : Tech Unlimited Inc License : ShareWare Language : English Size : 52 MB OS : Windows 7+ Latest Version : Pro Metric How to Install: 1). To summarize, here is a comprehensive and reliable software solution that is designed to help designers and architects make the most of their sketches, eliminating the need to bypass countless documents. Other features include the ability to show or hide tags, overlays, sizes, notes.

In addition, users can rotate, flip, or crop plans, and the Tools feature allows you to run multiple conversion processes or attach Excel files to a project. In addition to the ability to scale, pan or scale the image, users can also adjust its size, add various elements, such as “Area”, “Linear”, “Segment”, “Count”, and also make “Annotations”, Insert pages or rename existing ones. A wide range of formats are supported, including images, PDFs or TIFFs, AutoCAD or Dodge Plan files. Subsequently, users can browse their PC and select the folder and individual images that they want to import into the program. To start from scratch, you need to enter a number and a small Description, if necessary, specify notes. After clicking on the link below to download the latest version of PlanSwift with a key / crack inside the archive, you will be able to create a new architectural plan or open an existing one for further work. In addition, users can view the properties of a specific element in the working window by hovering over it. The Templates, Details panel on the right side of the interface contains elements of varying degrees of complexity that can be easily inserted into the project. The application interface has a working window in which the design itself is displayed, and on the left side, users can access the "Pages / bookmarks" related to the document. After launch, you will find a not-so-understandable interface, there are several tabs of the main window, they allow users to switch between its various sections, this makes it difficult to move the window to another position on the desktop. The software helps provide architects and other professionals in this field with the ability to create virtual versions of building plans that they can edit as they see fit. Description: PlanSwift is a cool, but slightly complicated program that allows you to quickly transfer your architectural plans to a completely paperless version and then work with it at the right time.